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产品型号: 塑料杯灌装机,杯灌装封口机
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厂商名称: 上海工洲阀门有限公司
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微电脑版控制液体灌装机   数控液体灌装机是利用位电脑对微型水泵在灌装时间、电机转速等因素上的控制,达到均匀的、重复误差小的液体灌装方式,广泛的应用于药物、化工、食品、饮料、油脂、化妆品等行业,适用于低粘度、无颗粒的液体分装、小批量生产。水泵泵体采用耐腐蚀的多种进口材料合成,泵体与电机分离,泵体内无机械金属部件、无磨损。具有耐油、耐热、耐酸、耐碱、耐腐蚀、耐化学品等性能。此水泵综合了自吸泵与化工泵的优点,具有自吸功能、热保护、运行平稳、可长时间连续空转、可长时间连续负载运行等优点。有关其他用途,请向厂家咨询,对于因不按规定使用而造成的任何损坏,生产商不负责保修。此类风险由使用者独自承担。严格遵守使用说明书是本机使用要求的一部分。 电    源:AC180V-260V               外箱尺寸:400×380×200(mm)功    率:300W                       整机重量:5.5Kg大范围:2ml-3500ml                 大吸程:2m大流量:3.2L/min                   出料防滴漏功能:有重复误差:<0.5%                     断电记忆功能:有

液体/膏体灌装机简介  本系列灌装机是参照国外先进灌装机技术进行改造和创新的产品,其结构简单合理,度高,操作简便,人性化设计更加符合现代企业的要求。广泛适用于医药、日化、食品、农药及特殊行业,是对高粘度流体、膏体进行定量灌装的理想设备。设备特点  该系列灌装机结构合理、机型小巧、性能可靠、定量准确、操作方便,动力部分采用气动结构。物料接触部分均采用316L不锈钢材料制成,符合GMP认证的要求。可根据用户需要在机型范围内任意调节灌装量及灌装速度,灌装精度高。灌装闷头采用防滴漏及升降灌装装置。 该机主要动力为气源,客户需自备空压机设备。技术参数  电源:220V 50Hz  灌装精度:≤±0.5%  灌装速度:1-25瓶/分  配用气压:0.4-0.9MPa  配用气量:≥0.1m3/min


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...esaid, Charles Darnay, stood there before him upon his trial;
that the jury were swearing in; and that Mr. Attorney-General was
making ready to speak.
The accused, who was (and who knew he was) being mentally
hanged, beheaded, and quartered, by everybody there, neither
flinched from the situation, nor assumed any theatrical air in it. He
was quiet and attentive; watched the opening proceedings with a
grave interest; and stood with his hands resting on the slab of
wood before him, so composedly, that they had not displaced a leaf
of the herbs with which it was strewn. The court was all bestrewn
with herbs and sprinkled with vinegar, as a precaution against
gaol air and gaol fever.
Over the prisoner’s head there was a mirror, to throw the light
down upon him. Crowds of the wicked and the wretched had been
reflected in it, and had passed from its surface and this earth’s
together. Haunted in a most ghastly manner that abominable
place would have been, if the glass could ever have rendered back
its reflections, as the ocean is one day to give up its dead. Some
passing thought of the infamy and disgrace for which it had been
reserved, may have struck the prisoner’s mind. Be that as it may, a
change in his position making him conscious of a bar of light
across his face, he looked up; and when he saw the glass his face
flushed, and his right hand pushed the herbs away.
It happened that the action turned his face to that side of the
court which was on his left. About on a level with his eyes, there
Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics

A Tale of Two Cities
sat, in that corner of the Judge’s bench, two persons upon whom
his look immediately rested; so immediately, and so much to the
changing of his aspect, that all the eyes that were turned upon
him, turned to them.
The spectators saw in the two figures, a young lady of little
more than twenty, and a gentleman who was evidently her father;
a man of a very remarkable appearance in respect of the absolute
whiteness of his hair, and a certain indescribable intensity of face:
not of an active kind, but pondering and self-communing. When
this was upon him, he looked as if he were old; but
when it was stirred and broken up—as it was now, in a moment,
on his speaking to his daughter—he became a handsome man, not
past the prime of life.
His daughter had one of her hands drawn through his arm, as
she sat by him, and the other pressed upon it. She had drawn
close to him, in her dread of the scene, and in her pity for the
prisoner. Her forehead had been strikingly expressive of an
engrossing terror and compassion that saw nothing but the peril of
the accused. This had been so very noticeable, so very powerfully
and naturally shown, that starers who had had no pity for him
were touched by her; and the whisper went about, “Who are
Jerry, the messenger, who had made his own observations, in
his own manner, and who had been sucking the rust off his fingers
in his absorption, stretched his neck to hear who they were. The
crowd about him had pressed and passed the inquiry on to the
nearest attendant, and from him it had been more slowly pressed
and passed back; at last it got to Jerry:
Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics

A Tale of Two Cities
“For which side?”
“Against what side?”
“The prisoner’s.”
The Judge, whose eyes had gone in the general direction,
recalled them, leaned back in his seat, and looked steadily at the
man whose life was in his **s Mr. Attorney-General rose to
spin the rope, grind the axe, and hammer the nails into the
Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics