1 操作简单方便,套色准确,使用寿命长1. The operation is simply convenient, the setting of the color is accurate, and of longer working life. 2 采用台湾马达,日本变频调速,节省电,运行波动小2.Adopt Taiwan motor, speed controller inverter made in Japan, electricity saving,and with stable circulate motion .3 落板自动停止行墨马达,起板自动开始行墨装置3. The falling-board will automatic stop the motor,the rising-board will automatic start the equipment.4 供墨方式为胶网辘刮墨,单面刮刀三套4. Provide ink by rubber rollers turning round.5 采用特制模数直齿齿轮传动,印刷尺寸准确5. Adoption specially made mold number to keep gears moving ,make certain that the printing size is accurate